
Choosing vacation homes

Choosing vacation homes for you and your family can be a wonderful experience. You can finally invest some of your hard-earned money into a second home dedicated to luxury, relaxation, and more. However, like any home, buying a vacation home is a big investment. As such, it's important to do your homework and take your time to find the right property for your needs.

Starting a Vacation Rental Business

Are you thinking about starting a vacation rental business? First and foremost, you need to ensure you understand the industry and all the operations. If you don’t know where to start, read this article where we discuss the basics. Here you’ll find some must-know tips for vacation rental success.

9 Things to Know About Prefabs Before You Buy

Despite prefab homes becoming an increasingly popular option for many people, there is still a surprising amount of misinformation about what they are, how they are built and the many benefits they can provide. We’ve decided to set the record straight by listing 9 things you need to know about prefabs

10 Sustainable Living Ideas for Your Home

Sustainability is one of the most popular lifestyle choices of the past decade and will hopefully become second-nature to us all in the coming years. As we transition from lives of convenience and fast-fashion to lives of environmentally conscious choices, sustainability will continue to permeate almost all of our daily decisions.

Advantages of using prefab buildings

Prefabricated buildings, or prefab, have gained popularity in recent years due to their numerous advantages over traditional construction methods. In Indonesia, where rapid urbanization and a growing population have led to a housing shortage, prefab offers a solution that is both efficient and cost-effective.

What type of prefabricated house is for me

There is a wide variety of prefab houses to choose from. Over the years, many companies and builders have joined the modular housing trend and as a result, the selection has increased. From simple houses to real luxury mansions, anything is possible.